Check authority and trust for domain

Bitly | URL Shortener, Custom Links & Link Management
DA 92
PA 74

Date from MOZ

Rank 7.4
Referring pages 2047732
Equity 1742420

Data from Alexa

Alexa Rank 802
ALexa Links number 21796
Alexa Country IN
Alexa Country Rank 302

Data from SemRush

SemRush Domain
SemRush Rank 6065
SemRush Keywords number 90753
SemRush Traffic 490214
SemRush Costs 688123
SemRush URL Links number 38959
SemRush HOSTNAME Links number 50390872
SemRush DOMAIN Links number 50787964

Data from Facebook

FB comments 380389
FB shares 1135813
FB reactions 575809


Main authority parameters are 92 Domain Authority by SeoMoz and 6065 Semrush Rank. Domain authority mostly based on amount and quality of backlinks and higher score is better. Meanwhile Semrush rank mostly based on organic traffic and the lower score of it is better. has 802 Global Alexa Rank and 302 Local Rank in IN Region. Alexa rank is based on Alexa traffic data. Lower score is better.

Backlinks profile

Backlinks information is based on SeoMoz and Semrush data. Due to Seomoz has 2047732 backlinks. Due to Semrush data it has 38959 unique URLs donors and 50787964 unique domains donors.

Traffic data

Information about search traffic is based on Semrush data. has 490214 Search Traffic. To calculate this parameter of each position in search keywords is assigned a conditional CTR value, these values are multiplied by the frequency of the same keywords and summed up for 90753 keywords for which was found. Cost of search traffic is 688123. Cost is based on CPC value of the same organic traffic.